A whole year of you, our sweet Noah…
In a whirlwind of wishing time would speed up, yet wishing it would slow down all in the same breath, here I find myself on the day you turn one, my sweet boy. From your beautiful goofy smile to your chubby thighs and everything in-between you simply could not be more loved. You have completed us, a missing piece of our chaotic puzzle, our house full of boys.
It’s been a year full of firsts. Becoming a family of three, our first summer holidays as a family of three. Logans first day at school, Covid-19 and 3 months of lockdown, buying our first home and a whole year of breastfeeding! Yet through it all you’ve just slotted into formation and taken absolutely everything in your stride. You’re determined and funny and so very sweet. You love your brothers infinitely, they’re the only ones you deem worthy of your open mouthed kisses and sloppy smooches. From the day you arrived you were instantly embedded in our hearts forever. For you, we wish a lifetime of endless adventures, of fun, of fairytales and laughter and love abundant. Never stop exploring, discovering, belonging. Thank you for choosing us to be your family, little one. You’ll never know what a blessing you are and how grateful we are to you.
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